Our cornerstones for games
Experience Together
- Cooperative multiplayer games – where the focus is on experiencing together!
- Player-to-Computer (PvE) or Player-to-Player (PvP) can both be right – if it’s a cooperative experience
- Always with a focus on community and belonging – through modding, community, streaming, etc.
Lifetime Commitment
- Create a foundation for long-term engagement; grow and expand our community over time
- Replayability and variety are an absolute key to our games
- Undeniable value, added over time – through revenue models that are fair for all
- A mix of free and paid content for our games, ensuring everyone gets more
Community Engagement
- Co-creating the gameplay experience
- Co-creation in the game development process
- Modding and user-generated content in games (UGC)
- Commitment and integration with the community where it exists, in an open and honest way
"Larger than life" experience
- Focus on gameplay and embodying iconic characters
- Being part of something bigger – a group or a journey – together
- Evolution in the experience – there is always a way forward and to develop
- Our games suit different play styles, but always with a feeling of tension