Conversion of shares

At the request of owners of such shares, A shares shall be converted into B shares. The request for conversion, which must be in writing and specify the number of A shares to be converted into B shares and, if the request does not cover the entire holding, which A shares the conversion refers to, must be made to the company. The company must notify the conversion to the Swedish Companies Registration Office for registration in the company register. The conversion is executed when registration has taken place and entered in the reconciliation register.

If your shares are directly registered, write to Starbreeze AB and request to convert A shares into B shares. If your shares are trustee-registered or in capital insurance, you ask your trustee or insurance company to convert your shares for you.

Download application form here: Application form Starbreeze AB conversion

The notification must be signed and sent to:
Starbreeze AB
To: Investor Relations
Box 7731
103 95 Stockholm.

As we need the original signed notification, it is not possible to send the notification by e-mail. Also send a copy of the notification to your bank or fund commissioner so that they are prepared for the exchange of shares in your VP account.

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