The game development process
A holistic game development with the experience in focus.
Game development organization
In 2022, the vast majority of our studio together with external partners have been focusing on the work on PAYDAY 3, while a smaller number of employees have been working on pitches for future potential game titles and IPs. During the year, the development process has been clarified in order to find a common way of working, where the main goal is to get the large organization that works in the development of a game to work even more closely and where all decisions made along the way are made with the players' experience in focus.
Production method
Game development at Starbreeze is based on a clear allocation of roles in the development process, where delivery goals are set for each role in each phase. Creativity is encouraged in the context of the goals in each development cycle through a holistic approach to development work, where all processes are based on the player and the gaming experience.
Starbreeze’s approach has always been, and still is, dynamic and involves cross-functional teams where a high level of interaction and col- laboration is required. But the setting of clear goals for delivery at all stages of game development across all teams creates a focused work environment where the team has greater ownership and the opportunity to work on what they enjoy doing and do best. Strategic leadership keep projects on track and the game concept intact.

Our employees
Engagement comes from freedom, creativity and involvement. In order to grow as a company, we must support each individual employee and allow them to grow and develop at Starbreeze. Action creates culture.