The board's committee
The Starbreeze board has established two committees; audit committee and remuneration committee. The board has adopted rules of procedure for both committees.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee’s task is to prepare the Board’s work with regard to quality assuring the company’s financial reporting. In addition, the Audit Committee establishes guidelines for any services other than auditing that the company may procure from its auditors. The Audit Commit- tee is also responsible for submitting its evaluation of the audit work to the Nomination Commit- tee in preparation of the Nomination Committee’s proposal to the AGM for the election of auditors and the audit fee. During the 2024 financial year, the Audit Committee consulted with the company’s auditors on matters including the existing accounting assessments. Furthermore, the Audit Committee has proposed actions to ensure that the company continuously improves its internal controls.
Since the inaugural Board meeting after the 2024 AGM, the Audit Committee is comprised of: Christin Rankin (Chair), Jürgen Goeldner and Thomas Lindgren.
Remuneration Committee
The main task of the Remuneration Committee is to consider matters relating to the remuneration and other terms of employment of the CEO and other senior managers. The Remuneration Committee also monitors and evaluates ongoing variable remuneration programs for the management team as well as programs completed during the year, and evaluates the application of the Remuneration Guidelines adopted by the AGM for senior managers.
Since the inaugural Board meeting after the 2024 AGM, the Remuneration Committee is comprised of: Jürgen Goeldner (Chair) and Anna Lagerborg.
Remuneration of directors
The remuneration of directors elected by the general meeting is decided by the general meeting.